So those men in little white coats with the butterfly nets keep
getting closer and closer…
And I keep running faster and faster…
… I hope I don’t trip and fall…
they might catch me…
not only will the men with the little white jackets be chasing me, but they may go after DJ as well…
slowly, they have already began to drain the life from me…
so again, in my own little way, I continue to run… once again, men in little white jackets are quickly closing in…
and I hate the little men in the white jackets who are slowly and surely gaining on me…
I also hate the men in the little white jackets with their big nets who are creeping behind my door…
I love to hide from the men in little white jackets with their big nets…
sometimes I wish those men in the little white jackets with the big nets would catch up with me so I wouldn’t have to deal with my sister’s sick ass anymore…
…and those little men with their sparkling, pristine, white jackets will continue to chase me with their nets…
…and I have two men in little white jackets with very big nets gaining on me…
…and I have two men in little white jackets with very big nets gaining on me… they gain day-by-day, because, yes, I am a little bit crazy. Aren’t we all?
So you may ask, what is wrong with her anyway?
Hey, after I finish school, maybe I can elude those men with the little white coats and great big nets that keep gaining on me…
so those men in the little white coats still gain, and do you know what I decided? If I can’t beat them, then I will join them. If I can’t run from them, I will run with them. I am tired of running anyway.
the men with the little white coats may not be far behind. I just don’t se them as much now, too busy.
I think the little white men in the white coats might catch me someday after all.
(bipolar much…yesterday, wanted to hurt someone…today, very happy…men in little white coats please don’t catch me)
so I decided that the guys in the little white jackets with the nets need to be chasing other crazy people instead of me.
those men in their little white jackets are creeping closer and closer behind me.
before long, I will be trapped in their big nets.
They will put me in a special padded little white room.
They will hide me there forever and no ONE will even notice.
now the men in the little white coats are getting closer and closer… they are so close, I can smell their after shave
…and the men with the great big nets and their little white coats are hanging from the roof on ropes and tapping on my window…
…and the guys
with the big scary nets and their little white coats…
…want me to
spend the rest of my life with them…
…and I am
…and I feel
…and this is my
…and this is my
…and this is my
…and those men
in the little white coats are close behind…
…and they have
their big nets…
…and they are
chasing me in circles…
…in my circles…
I am running
Scared as hell…
And those men…
In the with
With their big
Are looking the
other way…
They seem to
not be interested in me…
Not right now…
Maybe later…
But they are
going to be…
Coming back to
Before long…
and the guys in
the little white coats
are laughing at
they like to
see me in pain
they like to
watch me cry
but I will
defeat them all!
…and I got
caught lying…
…to those men
in their little white coats…
….with their
big butterfly nets…
….and it made
them angry….
…but most of
my lies just
hurt me….
these men in
their white coats
with their big
butterfly nets
wait for this
nut to crack
I have not
cracked yet
So they
continue to wait
and the funky
little men
in their white
coats come
their steel nets
chasing after
they tend to
get closer
I tend to run
But I cannot
escape the pain
big nets, white
coats leave me terrified
i am too needy
and my need draws them in
they look to
catch me here soon and i push love away
i am terrified
of bliss
of happiness
of joy
i won’t let it
close to me, it eventually causes pain
so i push it
all away and white coats with big nets
get closer,
closer, and closer
…and the men in
the little white coats…
…are creeping
up on me…
…on their
…hoping to not
disturb my psyche…
…they break the
…that have been
placed around us…
…stirring up
…in this place
I call home…
old men, white
chase after me
down lonely
into my sweet
white men, old
judge against
in my city
question my
sad men,
stained coats
put fear into
through crowded
pressing my
old men, white
come close to
upon deserted
i hang on to my
Though I say
all these things...
Out of the
corner of my eye...
I catch a
glimpse of a man...
He wears a
white coat....
Far in the
He watches me
Around my
He no longer
But he keeps
the steady...
Watch on me...
His eye is
sharp, and fixed here...
But he allows
me to relax...
For Now....
...and I hang
on... that
...and the
cliff gets higher...
...and the edge
gets more slick...
...and it is
tougher... hang on
to the ledge...
...but I have a
death grip...
...and refuse
to let go...
...and then he
...with his
shimmering white coat...
...and he
stomps on my hands...
...and he
laughs his diabolical laugh... I lose my
...and he just
watches... I fall
...and down I
...but I
...reach the
...I just keep
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