Friday, November 21, 2008


I knock on the door of your bubble
your room
your world
your home
and ask if I can come in.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

DJ & Dyl

To See Through the Eyes

To see through the eyes of a child
To know what a child knows
To have no worries in the world
To have the courage of a child
To be blessed with innocence
To see only good in the world
To know not of life's pains
To have a long full life ahead
To see through the eyes of a child

Monday, November 3, 2008


This comes from what I learned in government class
If you don’t vote, you cannot bitch
Less than 10% of the adult population votes in the elections that really matter
We cannot make a difference, or change the world
If we do not vote, organize and speak up for ourselves
If you are not going to do what it takes to make the changes
THEN be content with the life as we know it
Because it will NEVER get better without
OUR involvement
It will ONLY get worse